Smart Water Flow in Hotels
90% of water consumption in a typical hotel occurs in the rooms. In many places the average tourist water consumption is higher than that of locals.
The data measured in our pilot tests show that there is a 10% water savings even without providing any compensation to customers. According to Trip Advisor, guests increasingly value environmental policies, such as towel reuse. Additionally, it provides a clear sustainability message to it’s customers.
A hotel with 100 rooms with an average occupancy of 85% could save about 500m3 of water annually, of which 60% is hot (14Mwh / year) and 2t CO2
Water and energy prices vary greatly between countries & cities ; the Return on Investment ranges between 4-9 years (without considering subsidies); We can study your case , no compromise.
Hotels can reward guests who spend less than average with a coffee or a small reduction in the bill. These gestures make a difference and spread among friends & family in addition to sending a clear sustainability message.