

Today, natural resources are more precious than ever, and water is the #1 risk factor, according to the World Economic Forum.

Human population is growing, especially in cities. Every second, 2 people join the urban population. (+5M persons / month). Current city models become unsustainable.

Water & energy prices have risen over the consumer price index in most EU countries during the past decades.

According to Paris and Kyoto agreements, the EU has committed to reduce its carbon footprint 40% vs. its emissions in 1990. One of the measures to achieve this is improving buildings’ losses, where EU directives for new or refurbished buildings are stricter. These need to be self sustainable (or o near Zero Energy Buildings).
After all, buildings are responsible for 40% of our energy requirements and CO2 emissions.

At Defcon8, we help people save water & energy in buildings by providing real time feedback and empowering people to take a better grip of their water usage.

Nowadays, saving energy is not only important for our finances; we have an ethical obligation. While service to citizens must be maintained, many public services are under pressure to cut costs. Energy is normally the third highest cost in an organisation.

An average 2p household consumption ranges from 90 to 141 l./person/day depending on the city considered across Europe.

Water heating requires on average 2000 kwh/yr (around 20% of energy bill) in a typical 2 member household, just second to space heating.

Consumers without a water meter reduced 20% their consumption after adding it in the UK.

Our smart monitor enables setting a daily consumption target and monitors it during each use.

It encourages all family members to play a key role in achieving water, energy, CO2 savings.


A typical 2 member family household could save 10m3 water, 240Kwh in energy + 0.11 Tn CO2/year.

How are the savings achieved?

The price of water & wastewater & energy varies much depending on the country/city considered. 50 to 90% of the invoice are fixed taxes and the rest is related directly to water consumption & sewage.

ROI of our Smart Water Flow Monitor can vary from 3 to 6 years ; rising energy & water costs can be compensated.

Net Zero, however, isn’t just about signing up for smart meters and electric cars. Many facets of modern life, such as warm homes, international travel, out of season foods, worldwide e-shopping… come with a high environmental tag.

Net Zero will not come at zero cost to the customer. 94% expect an increase in consumer’s utilities bills.

We can help compensate for these rises and also reduce your carbon footprint.
Please write to us if you have any doubts.

Think global, act local. Recycle. Reuse.